FREE Singing Playgrounds project for Birmingham primary schools


Primary class teachers and music coordinators are invited to a FREE twilight session on Thursday 17th February 2022 in the city centre. Led by Ex Cathedra’s award-winning Singing Playgrounds team the session will enable you to get your children playing singing games, sharing their own singing games, and creating their own singing games and songs safely outside in the playground. With a focus on wellbeing and creativity you will also be given access to an online resource to help you easily get activities going in school with your children.

Places are limited. Please email [email protected] to book your free place stating Singing Playgrounds Birmingham Project 17th February Teacher Event.

Also, FREE half-day visits by Ex Cathedra’s team are also available for Birmingham primary schools. Places are limited. Please email [email protected] stating Singing Playgrounds Birmingham Programme School Visit request to book your place.

For more information see

This event and visits are supported by the Birmingham Music Education Partnership.

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