In partnership with Birmingham Music Education Partnership and B:Music, Ex Cathedra is inviting Birmingham primary schools to be part of an exciting singing initiative. Starting soon…
SINGING PLAYGROUNDS FREE to all Birmingham primary schools
1) SPARK Big-Sing, Symphony Hall, Tuesday 8th November, 11am -12.30pm
Bring a group of your KS2 children to Symphony Hall to be trained as Singing Playgrounds Song Leaders to lead other children in your school playground in singing-play.
2) Teacher Project Session, Symphony Hall foyer, Monday 5th December, 4.30pm – 6pm
Meet other like-minded teachers and find out how easy it is to get your children singing and playing in the playground, improving their wellbeing and music in school.
3) Easy to use Project Support Resource: Back in school, follow our brand new online project support resource with 100 interactive short videos (login to be given once project has commenced). Through this series of videos, the Song Leaders (your KS2 children) will learn new singing games, share their own, adapt and create new singing games.
4) Wednesday 7th June Celebrate: Bring your Song Leaders to Symphony Hall to sing their hearts out with 2000 children. 10.30am – 12pm
Email: [email protected] ASAP to book your FREE place – first come, first served.
Invite a group of KS2 children to be Song Leaders to bring to Symphony Hall. We recommend choosing 30 children in KS2 (choose children who want to have fun. They do not have to be ‘the singers’ or musicians in school), and that you meet with them for ten minutes each week to use the videos to set them the tasks for the playground.
Do you need to be a musician or have lots of time for this project? No! Our series of videos does it all for you!
The project commences at Symphony Hall on 8th November so we recommend you reply by return email to be assured of your FREE place.