Our Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Vision


Our Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Vision 

Services For Education (SFE) are the lead partner in the Birmingham Music Education Partnership and this E,D&I Strategy summarises how each of the hub partners see inclusive practice being at the heart of their offer. SFE as the lead partner sets out our vision for the next 5 years and outlines how it is putting inclusivity at the heart of everything we do. The following summary is a live document and will be subject to change.

Our Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Vision- Services For Education

Our approach is about:
• Encouraging openness
• Celebrating diversity
• Tackling inequality
• Promoting “togetherness”

We’ll know we’re successful when all our colleagues work in ways that demonstrate commitment to eliminating discrimination, promoting the value of diversity, and encouraging truly inclusive approaches within our organisation and beyond.

Key principles:
• We want to develop a positive and powerful culture where colleagues can be their authentic selves at work
• We value individual differences, experiences and insights, and recognise the contribution this can make to the business
• We want our workforce demographics to reflect the diversity and richness of the society and communities in which we work
• We respect the inherent tensions that can exist between different views but we appreciate constructive challenge around different perspectives
• We will be kind to each other and ourselves as we learn about and from each other – mistakes are a chance to learn and improve
• Diversity means difference – it can be visible (gender, culture, age) or invisible (background, life experiences). Regardless, it adds value to our insights, problem solving, decision making and creativity
• Inclusion means everyone feeling valued, respected and comfortable – no matter what their difference

2022-2025 Diversity & Inclusion plan: SUMMARY

To improve Diversity & Inclusion over the next 3 years we will develop the following themes:

Foster an inclusive culture:
• Develop ways of working, policies and processes that promote and value diversity
• Encourage colleagues to come together in special interest groups (e.g. Parents & Carers) to share experiences and suggest areas for improvement

Educate and raise awareness:
• Increase awareness of diverse employees and cultures
• Encourage colleagues to share their stories and lived experiences by providing a supportive workplace
• Provide E,D&I training to line managers and teams

Put E,D&I into practice:
• Establish a Working Group to oversee the development and implementation of our plan
• Set and communicate our E,D&I goals, linked to our wider business strategy and objectives
• Use our workforce and local demographic data to inform priority areas within our D&I plan

Plan, measure and improve:
• Develop dashboards and KPIs to track D&I metrics and performance against our goals
• Embed E,D&I goals into PDR objectives, business plans and activities
• Develop a toolkit of good practice, guidelines and resources to support leaders and priority diversity groups

To read our full Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy, please click here.

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